Why models should be paying their photographers

This isn’t an attack! I want to start by saying that, I think for many models especially those starting out, it’s hard to know where to begin. It really is all about collaboration, which is one of the best parts of creative pursuits. Especially as no one really wants to have those tough conversations about what you paid or whether you should.

The thing is good images in your portfolio are what allow you to get booked.

Also quickly, book = portfolio, these are the images you use to get paid work. Your book should be you putting your best foot forward.

There has always been a give and take relationship between models and photographers. We all need images for our portfolio. However, we all reach a point where we don't need more free work. That goes for both models and photographers.

We all need to build our portfolios, but we reach a point where they no longer need any help in the form of unpaid shoots.

It can be hard to reach past that point. Many influencers struggle to find a rate that works for them; brands that want to collaborate with them for payment rather than product. Over the last few years, I've found it hard, with Instagram especially. There's a culture of feeding the online beast, continuing to test for the sake of getting more likes.

But this post is really for the models; at some point, the good photographers you want to work with stop doing work for their portfolio. This means you either work with photographers who don’t charge or pay the good ones.

Why pay when people do it for free?

I thought one of the best ways to explain it was with haircuts, a reputable hairdresser will only cut your hair if there's something in it for them, and they'll approach you and go, "hey, I want to try X style with you." But would you let someone junior who's just starting out play with your hair?

Hell no!

With good reason, you book a lot of your jobs based on your hairstyle. The same goes for your book; if all you have, there are a few "ok-ish" shots you've done for free with photographers; some people may see potential in you and throw a better shoot your way to build their own brand. Most, however, will assume you're new, an amateur; good photographers will direct you and give you shots you need, the rest won't.


Matisse — Chic Brisbane


Bodhi Genis — Chadwick Models