Some videos on improving your retouching

I'm not going to tell you or make my own video here, my method is a mix of all of these, I recommend watching them in order, the skills kind of add to each other, and the biggest thing before you start editing, or even start shooting... Is to reference, and know what result you want, a guide I'll write soon!

Getting there is often half the battle, and whilst a lot of this SHOULD be done in camera, with the pressure to be perfect comes the challenge of making sure your edits on point.

Whilst retouching is often a dirty word when it's used correctly really enhances the shots you take.

These videos are great, but remember, mix and match, overuse of one technique will make your photos look fake, or worst still ruin your subjects beauty.

Good luck!


Hailey — Vivien's


Oli — The MGMT